Description of the deployment site

Region of Galicia (2.8 M citizens), in the northwest part of Spain, has one of the highest percentage of elderly (65 or older) in Europe and faces increasing rates of chronic disease. The Galician Regional Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) sets as one of the main challenges to position the region as a benchmark in Southern Europe in providing knowledge-intensive services and products related to active ageing and a healthy lifestyle.

The importance of Galicia’s healthcare public sector, whose expenditure (3.400 M€/year, 36.000 Healthcare professionals) makes up approximately 40% of the region’s total public budget, prompted regional authorities to foster innovation aimed at improving patient-centered care supported by ICT technology.

The main societal objectives of this pilot are:

  • To increase the security of the older people, to allow their continuity at their own life environment and the improvement of their social relationships.
  • To reduce the negative impact of physical and/or cognitive deterioration of people over 60 with chronic disease in order to continue doing their every-day activities.
  • To improve healthy lifestyles of people over 60
  • To reduce the growing burden of chronic, non-communicable disease
  • To improve the quality of life and health status in patients with chronic diseases.

The Reference Use Cases piloted in Galicia DS:

  • Integrated care: Integrated care for older adults under chronic or different health issues
  • Emergency trigger: Detect mono or multidimensional patterns or specific events combinations requiring external immediate attention. Emergency is regulated by standards, and very specific needs arouse, also in ethical and legal terms.
  • Cognitive stimulation: Promotion of awareness and comprehension of surroundings by utilization of planned stimuli.
  • Prevention of social isolation: Prevention of isolation in their living environment (homes or residences) avoiding the lack of social interaction. Promotion of social participation, monitoring social interactions and communication with different people.
  • Daily activity monitoring at home: Monitoring of Activities of Daily Living (ADL), basic and instrumental, for informal carers support, for formal carers follow up and self-management.

Partners involved

IoT Platforms involved

Sofia 2

Current Status of Deployment:

  • User recruitment:

    • Recruited 90% of facilities target (630 facilities/700 target)
    • 630 older adult recruited
    • Informal/ formal carers register during installation. (Currently 672)
  • Deployment Status:

    • 542 installations over 700
    • 1.964 end users participating: 542 older adult participating (370 Women + 172 Men)
    • 1.168 informal /formal carers (912 Woman +256 Men)

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